Sample Template Example of Beautiful Excellent Professional Curriculum Vitae / Resume / CV Format with Career Objective, Job Profile & Work Experience for Freshers & Experienced in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

Career Objective:
Academic Performance:
Areas of Interest:
Electronic Gadgets
Technical Skills:
1.Won silver medal in Children Olympiad Organised by the T.R.R Educational Society & The Athletic Institute, Hyderabad.
Father’s Name : K.Sriram Reddy
Occupation : Business
Mother’s Name : K.Anita
Nationality : Indian
Date of Birth/Age : 17th March 1984 / 22 Yrs
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Hno: 37/5/144/1,
Flat no: 303,
Bank Colony,

To live life to the fullest making every moment precious, filled with love, fun and affection such that I become an inspiration for my younger generation.
Career Objective:
Intend to build a career with leading corporate of hi-tech environment with committed & dedicated people, which will help me to explore myself fully and realize my potential. Willing to work as a key player in challenging & creative environment.
Academic Performance:
Bachelors Degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Indur Institute of Engineering and Technology with an aggregate of 65%.
Ideal Junior College, Hyderabad under Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh. Percentage: 66%.
St. Xavier’s High School, Hyderabad under Board of Secondary Education, Andhra Pradesh. Percentage: 64%.
Areas of Interest:
Electronic Gadgets
Technical Skills:
Languages : C, C++.
Database : PL/ SQL
Operating Systems : Win 9X, WIN NT.
Assembly language Programming : AT89C51, 8085, 8251 and 8086.
1.Won silver medal in Children Olympiad Organised by the T.R.R Educational Society & The Athletic Institute, Hyderabad.
2.Got Cretificates In Group Disscussion held at our college
Ø Comprehensive problem solving abilities, Team facilitator.
Ø Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
Ø Willing to learn and contribute to the growth of Organization.
Ø Positive attitude, Self motivated.
Project Profile:
Mini Project:
Title: Digital clock
Place:Indur Institute of Engineering and Technology.
Duration:20 days
Academic Project:
Title: Intelligent Controlling Machine.
Place: Naga Sai Institute of Technology (NSIT), Hyderabad.
Duration: 3 months.
Role: Group Leader.
Project Brief: This is embedded based project, the objective of this project is to design an intelligent arm controlled by a micro controller and interfaced to a computer, to sort out objects of different lengths, moving on a conveyor belt.
The Intelligent arm is incorporated with stepper motors, which are being controlled by control unit, which consists of micro controller (AT 89C51). It responds to commands from user to PC. The program for controller is written in assembly language. The communication link from control unit to PC is established through serial communication.
Benefits:In Manufacturing companies, number of objects has to be transported by means of conveyor belts. During this process, these objects are sorted based on required specifications. This consumes considerable amount of labour. Moreover it is monotonous and tedious job. The proposed robot sort’s object based on their lengths and places them in their respective bins.
Extra CurricularActivities:
Ø Active participation in school cultural events.
Ø Event organizer in all school and college annual day functions and other technical events.
Ø Participated in inter school and college level sports events.
Personal Details:
Father’s Name : K.Sriram Reddy
Occupation : Business
Mother’s Name : K.Anita
Nationality : Indian
Date of Birth/Age : 17th March 1984 / 22 Yrs
Languages Known : Hindi, English, and Telugu.
Hobbies : Surfing Net, Interiors, Playing Caroms.
Permanent Address : Hno: 37/5/144/1,
Flat no: 303,
Bank Colony,
Contact : 91-40-55597159, 9949960391
References :
Professor & HOD.
Dept. Of Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Indur Institute of Engineering and Technology.
Contact : 08457-30420
2. N.Laxman Pratap, M.E.
Assistant Professor.
Dept. Of Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Indur Institute of Engineering and Technology.
Contact : 9845172783
I consider myself familiar with Electronics and Communication Engineering Aspects. I am also confident of my ability to work in a team.
hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge.
Place: (K. Anandi)
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