"I'm still amazed with every tape I sell to somebody I've never met."Niels Verougstraete runs his micro label KERM out of Gentbrugge, Belgium. Your life will be so much better once you got to known KERM. Why did you start KERM? Niels Verougstraete: The first tape I made was part of my graduation project at art school, where Moniek Darge was my mentor. She and the Logos Foundation were an inspiration for me at the time and encouraged me to do my own thing with sounds within a course which was not at all focused on music. This was around December 2010, beginning 2011. While this tape was filled with harsh, unsettling and unpleasant noise-collages,...

Troubadour Dali - Let's Make It Right (2011) review

Troubadour Dali - Let's Make It Right (Euclid Records, 2011)Listen: to “Let’s Make It Right,” by Troubadour Dali floated over me like the memory of a long exhale from a hookah, a chunk of hash still smoldering in the bowl, friends laying about the room lost in the ceiling, the music, or a bit of both.  Slowly, reconstructing myself I remembered that this wasn’t 1968, that the only other being in the room was my cat, asleep on my chest ... nevertheless, I was lost both in the ceiling and the music, a low-fi heirloom quality of hypnotic layering with...

Psychedelic Attic #19

VinylMolior SuperumStrange Lords White Mystery Multicult ComacozerDreamies Trappist AfterlandHeatersShooting GunsHawkeyes/Shooting Guns Kingdom Of The Holy SunNight DialsTimmy's OrganismShadoks:Writing On The WallWhite Light Hurdy Gurdy CDsRiders ConnectionThe ZombiesSons Of SettlersJenny DarrenStraight Eight The Legendary Real ThingSulatron Records:Krautzone Electric Moon Giobia Zone SixFrank SabbathJack EllisterThe SunchymesTheodor BastardLibrary VoicesPurmamarcaEx NorvegianClare FischerLou VolpeDan Bonsanti The 14Fuzzy CrstalsRoy MCGRATH QuartetThe Tuba Trio Chronicles GT Mojo Wizard Omerta Beats Misplaced Moms I'd like to Surf SurfGospelbeach...

The Black Wizards - Lake Of Fire (2015) review

Let These Wizards Lead You To The LakeSome things have been invented a very long time ago. The wheel and gunpowder are two things that spring to my mind. No one is going to claim to have invented the wheel or gunpowder but both has been in use for quite a few millennia. As the wheel can be transformed into circles of many sizes so can gunpowder be used for ever shifting colourful fireworks. Such is the case with The Black Wizards' debut album, Lake Of Fire.Drinking from the same fountains as many of the contemporary bands around, The Black Wizards present us with a set of songs that give a new twist on previously heard sounds and stamp their...


This is, by far, the best peanut butter brownie recipe I've tried. It is quick and easy and has a FIVE STAR peanut butter-honey frosting. We can't seem to stop snacking on it!!PEANUT BUTTER BROWNIES1/2 cup creamy peanut butter (I use Jiff)1/3 cup butter at room temperature2/3 cup granulated sugar1/2 cup brown sugar2 eggs1 teaspoon vanilla extract1 cup flour1 teaspoon baking powder1/2 teaspoon salt1/3 cup mini-chocolate chips (semi-sweet)Preheat oven to 350°F. Grease a 9 x 9 baking pan (personally, I do not grease, I use parchment paper instead.By hand or mixer, cream the peanut butter and butter till smooth. Add brown sugar...

RUMS #48/15

Heute ist RUMStag!In aller Kürze:Gezeigt werden darf alles, was DU für DICH SELBER genäht, gestickt, gestrickt, gehäkelt, gebastelt, geklöppelt oder sonstwie gehandarbeitet hast und was du auf einem BLOG zeigst!Du darfst dabei Werbung machen, auf Verlosungen hinweisen, Handstand machen oder ein Tanzvideo einstellen - nur Du solltest etwas zeigen, was DU ganz persönlich FÜR DICH selbstgemacht hast.Du schreibst für diese Sache am Donnerstag einen Post, in dem Du zu RUMS verlinkst - und das als LINK und nicht als Text! Nur mit einem Backlink funktioniert die Verlinkung hier...

Alec Palao, Man Of Many Musical Hats

Playing bass with the Chocolate Watchband, San Diego, 2015. Photo by David Greenfield.Alec, thanks for taking the time to share your musical journey with “It’s Psychedelic Baby Magazine” readers.  You are recognized by music fans for your prowess at conceiving and producing reissues and compilations, searching tape vaults, annotating tracks and writing liner notes for releases, as being a top notch sound engineer, and as Jymn Parrett of the “Garage Punk Hideout” has commented “Alec Palao is one of rock’s great gentlemen.”  When were you born and where did you grow up?  What role did music play in the Palao household?Born in north...

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