RUMS #40/15

Heute ist RUMStag!Auch heute stelle ich euch wieder einige Nähbloggeraktionen rum um das Thema  #bloggerfuerfluechtlinge vor - ist es doch aktueller denn je:Es gibt die Aktion Mini-Decki, hier werden Kuscheldecken für die Flüchtlingskinder genäht! Hier gibt es weitere Infos: MINI-Decki für die Österreicher und MINI-Decki für die Deutschen!Und hier der Aufruf "Simplify your fabric" - nähe, was du kannst aus Resten, die du eh hast. Klickt euch mal rüber zu Ephrata!Die Facebookgruppe "Sew a smile" steht auch jeder Nähwütigen weiter offen!Oder ihr kauft euch für einen Spendenbetrag fertige Aufbügler oder eine Plottdatei...

Advertising for next available issue (Psychedelic Baby issue 2)

We have issue two ready. Before its official release we would like to ask labels, stores, artists or anyone else interested in being part of our magazine. We are offering ads (banner) for our second issue dedicated to US psychedelic music. Below you can find example. Magazine will be released by Guerssen Records and it will be available worldwide.Contact us at: psychedelicbabymag@gmail.comExampl...

Nest Egg - Respectable (2015) review

Nest Egg - Respectable (Bathetic Records, 2015)Listen: is a good time to be alive if your a fan of psychedelic music, specifically the offshoot genre "space rock". With many bands embracing the sonic soundscapes that seem almost astral we are lucky, nothing better than being blown out of this world by music! A perfect example of this cosmic rock would be Nest Egg from North Carolina. Their album "Respectable" dropped earlier this year helping spread their sound to the masses. Probably best known for being the band that the Austin Psych Fest resident in-house DJ "Al Lover" has been singing their praises...

Renny Wilson - Punk Explosion/Extension (2015) review

Renny Wilson - Punk Explosion/Extension (Mint Records, 2015)You may recall from the interview with Edmonton wonderkids "The Betrayers" the mention of an artist named Renny Wilson. Notably known for his uber pop record Sugarglider, if you're familiar with that release you're in for a shock. Recorded off and on between 2007 - 2015 this is some of the sleaziest weirdo punk music to come out of Canada. Pitched shifted vocals are probably the first thing that grab you, don't worry your record player is working. Gnarled screams blend well with the pop song writing Renny is best known for. Humour is prominent on this record as well, I mean seriously...

Finchley Boys - Everlasting Tributes (1972) review

Finchley Boys "Everlasting Tributes" (Golden Throat Records, 1972)Established early 1968, Finchley Boys quickly became a popular live act in and around their birthplace of Champaign, Illinois. The next step, of course, was to transfer the magic onto tape, and in September the band entered the studio with the goal of putting together an album. Sessions continued through June 1969, but the results of the band's work did not materialize until a few years later, when "Everlasting Tributes" was released.Acid-fried blues rock was where Finchley Boys were at, and their affection and aptitude for the music resonates loud and clear amid the album. Gutted...

RUMS #39/15

Heute ist RUMStag!Auch heute stelle ich euch wieder einige Nähbloggeraktionen rum um das Thema  #bloggerfuerfluechtlinge vor - ist es doch aktueller denn je:Es gibt die Aktion Mini-Decki, hier werden Kuscheldecken für die Flüchtlingskinder genäht! Hier gibt es weitere Infos: MINI-Decki für die Österreicher und MINI-Decki für die Deutschen!Und hier der Aufruf "Simplify your fabric" - nähe, was du kannst aus Resten, die du eh hast. Klickt euch mal rüber zu Ephrata!Die Facebookgruppe "Sew a smile" steht auch jeder Nähwütigen weiter offen!Oder ihr kauft euch für einen Spendenbetrag fertige Aufbügler oder eine Plottdatei...

The Fast Camels - The Magic Optician (2007) & Dead Rooms and Butterfly Dreams (2014) reviews

The Fast Camels - The Magic Optician (Neon Tetra, 2007) & Dead Rooms and Butterfly Dreams(Magic Optician Records, 2014)Love's exceptional lead guitar figure Johnny Echols has said of modern-day Glasgow group The Fast Camels that they remind him of Love when the legendary LA group were just getting it together at Bido Lito's club back in 1966. So it's no surprise to learn that there's an inherent inventiveness at work, and also a high degree of musical fluidity at play within the work of the Fast Camels. A vibrant intensity shines through much of their material, and often helps to propel their collective playing overall. And it's this, coupled...

Psychedelic Baby T-shirt

It's Psychedelic Baby Magazine T-shirts now available! Black only. S-M-L-XL. $20 US and €22 for Europe - includes shipping...(Directly from our illustrator Justin Jackley) Email to: crom1513@hotmail.c...

Orgasmo Sonore - Revisiting Obscure Library Music (2015) review

Orgasmo Sonore - Revisiting Obscure Library Music (Cineploit Records, 2015)François Riendeau, better known to most by his musical alter-ego, Orgasmo Sonore has been expanding my musical tastes for quite some time now.  I discovered him while plumbing the depths of the Cineploit label’s back catalog after hearing Zoltan, who blew my mind, for the first time.  Most of the Cineploit stuff was either right up my alley or I just couldn’t get into it for one reason or another, but I think that most experimental stuff is like that to be honest though.  When I first came across Orgasmo Sonore I honestly didn’t even know what to think....

Martin Rev - Clouds Of Glory (2015) review

Martin Rev - Clouds Of Glory (Permanent Records, 2015)Now most people are probably more familiar with Martin Rev, also known as Martin Reverby, for his work with the band Suicide, but he also has an almost schizophrenically eclectic back catalog of material.  Now, this isn’t to imply that he’s crazy or untalented, as obviously he’s far from either of those things.  It is instead, to point out the jaw-dropping versatility that Reverby is capable of as an artist.  A lot of people like to label use descriptors like, “it’s like a Suicide album/song BUT...” and there’s no need for such things.  I mean, Suicide was supposedly the...


I have always used commercially roasted green chili's, but recently discovered that they are loaded with salt, so I started roasting fresh ones.Poblano and Anaheim peppers are pretty spicy when raw, but when you roast them, they turn very mellow and delicious. They are one of those roasted veggies that you can "put in anything" and it adds just a little extra zing to any Mexican recipe. I love them in chili, tacos, rice, enchiladas, etc. There are so many different peppers in the market these days, just make sure you look for Poblano or Anaheim (they are MUCH larger than the small spicy peppers like jalapenos).Personally, I like Anaheim peppers...

Slasher Dave - Lunatic (2015) review

Slasher Dave – Lunatic - 7” (Bellyache Records, 2015)Of all the recent horror themed synth worshipping bands that are out there right now, only a handful of them have really managed to catch my interest.  And at the top of that list is Slasher Dave.  I don’t really know jack about the Slasher Dave outside of the fact that it will occasionally include the odd guest on guitar or something, but for the most part it’s just really the brainchild of one seriously talented dude.  His last offering, 2014’s Tomb Of Horrors (Review Here) was one my top ten albums of the year, but it’s been a while since I heard much out of him.  Now,...



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