This recipe makes a Whoopie Pie that is light as air and very tender. I like to wrap them individually (after they are completely cool) which makes them perfect for lunch boxes. They are also very popular at potlucks and bake sales. Preheat oven to 450° and spray cookie sheets with cooking sprayWHOOPIE PIE COOKIES2 cups sugar1/2 cup shortening (no substitutions)2 eggs1 cup sour milk (*see note below)1 cup BOILING water1/2 teaspoon salt1 cup unsweetened bakers cocoa1 teaspoon vanilla extract4 cups all purpose flour1/2 teaspoon baking powder2 teaspoons baking soda*NOTE: To get sour milk,  put 1 teaspoon of lemon juice in a...

Umberto - From The Grave (2015) review

Umberto - From The Grave (Permanent Records, 2015)The past two years have seen an explosion in the soundtrack genre, specifically in what is commonly referred to as minimal synth, dark ambient, giallo or simply horror music which has made a huge comeback and seems all the rage these days.  If you grew up in the 80s like I did, than the sounds of John Carpenter’s movies were likely as much of the experience as the moving images were when you first saw them.  If you’re a fan of the horror/giallo genre though, than you also likely know that this wasn’t an isolated event and there were other, much more prolific, purveyors of that sound...

Dave Mihaly’s Shimmering Leaves Ensemble – Euro and Solo (2015) review

Dave Mihaly’s Shimmering Leaves Ensemble – Euro and Solo (Self-Released, 2015)Mihaly is a multi-instrumental percussionist with San Francisco’s prog-psych jazzbos Mushroom and this is his third release leading the Shimmering Leaves Ensemble. On this recording, a new Ensemble includes occasional ‘shroomer Jon Birdsong (Beck, Beth Orton) on cornet and Belgian bassist Tim Coenen (Admiral Freebee). The album was recorded (mostly) in Antwerp on September 23, 2014 (Mihaly recorded a few solo tracks in San Fran on June 11, 2014 – hence the album title!), and begins with a lovely little relaxing oriental concoction, ‘T’ai’. A reflective thousand-yard-stare...

Pastor interview

Out of the remains of long forgotten heavy psych monstrosity arise Pastor, which is a new band influenced by good ol' dirty rock'n'roll. We spend some time to discuss about their new album out on Who Can You Trust? Records. Enjoy them! and how did the members of Pastor meet?Arik: I actually started the whole thing with this crazy guy called ''Shardik''. I can't really remember when and where I met him though. I think we met in a bar and I started babbering like ''Hey man I want to start a rock band thing... like heavy rock.. kinda 70's style ya know?'' he was totally in for the kill! So we started a...


This is such a fun (and easy) recipe. It is great for kids parties or teen parties and you can even jazz them up for adult appetizers. They stay warm for quite a while, but are even tasty at room temperature (nice and creamy).Mildly seasoned for picky toddlers (perfect size), or add a little zip by using half cheddar and half pepper jack cheese and/or bacon bits. 1/2 pound elbow macaroni2 tablespoons butter2 tablespoons flour1  1/2 cups milk2 cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese (divided)2 ounces cream cheese1/2 teaspoon salt1/4 teaspoon peppersmall pinch of cayenne1 beaten eggBoil the elbow macaroni in SALTED water for 8 minutes, then...

RUMS #35/15

Heute ist RUMStag!In aller Kürze:Gezeigt werden darf alles, was DU für DICH SELBER genäht, gestickt, gestrickt, gehäkelt, gebastelt, geklöppelt oder sonstwie gehandarbeitet hast und was du auf einem BLOG zeigst!Du darfst dabei Werbung machen, auf Verlosungen hinweisen, Handstand machen oder ein Tanzvideo einstellen - nur Du solltest etwas zeigen, was DU ganz persönlich FÜR DICH selbstgemacht hast.Du schreibst für diese Sache am Donnerstag einen Post, in dem Du zu RUMS verlinkst - und das als LINK und nicht als Text! Nur mit einem Backlink funktioniert die Verlinkung hier...

RUMS #34/15

Heute ist RUMStag!In aller Kürze:Gezeigt werden darf alles, was DU für DICH SELBER genäht, gestickt, gestrickt, gehäkelt, gebastelt, geklöppelt oder sonstwie gehandarbeitet hast und was du auf einem BLOG zeigst!Du darfst dabei Werbung machen, auf Verlosungen hinweisen, Handstand machen oder ein Tanzvideo einstellen - nur Du solltest etwas zeigen, was DU ganz persönlich FÜR DICH selbstgemacht hast.Du schreibst für diese Sache am Donnerstag einen Post, in dem Du zu RUMS verlinkst - und das als LINK und nicht als Text! Nur mit einem Backlink funktioniert die Verlinkung hier...

IPBM Podcast 3 - Jus Oborn (Electric Wizard)

You have last tab of acid left in your antique dresser box and you're home alone and want to experience psychedelic nightmare? Well who else to ask than Jus Oborn of Electric Wizard. He prepared a really heavy psychedelic mix exclusively for It's Psychedelic Baby Magazine. Enjoy.Acid Nightmare PlaylistIPBM Podcast 3 - Jus Oborn (Electric Wizard) by Psychedelicbaby on Mixcloud"When Klemen asked me to do a playlist I knew immediatly I wanted to do a hard psychedelic mix. I am usually asked about my favourite doom or horror films....but in my teenage years I was very into LSD. Between '84-'88 my main obsessions were death metal, LSD, Hawkwind...

It's Psychedelic Baby presents: Wax Machine "Big Boat" premiere

Wax Machine is a new band, that is exploring ground of psychedelia inside a wonderful mixture of sophisticated pop music.Wax Machine are a 6 month old Brighton 6-piece spawned from the collaboration between Lauro Zanin (guitar/backing vocals) and Freddie Willatt (vocals/saxophone) fueled by late 60s/early 70s psychedelia records such as Velvet Underground, Pet Sounds, Free Your Mind... And Your Ass Will Follow, Their Satanic Majesties Request and Highway 61 Revisited.Joined by Oscar Burns (guitar), Ellis Dickson (drums), Kat Savage (Glockenspiel/Tambourine) and Joe Thorpe (bass); Wax Machine are set to surf the cosmic vibrations in your min...


School is right around the corner and whether you need to pack a school lunch or just have the cookie jar full when the kids hit the kitchen in the afternoon, this is the perfect cookie. Super simple and very flavorful, this recipe is a keeper.LEMON SUGAR COOKIES3 cups all purpose flour1 cup butter flavored Crisco1 teaspoon baking soda1 teaspoon cream of tartar1/2 teaspoon salt2 eggs1  1/2 cups sugar3 tablespoons milk2 teaspoons lemon extract1 teaspoon vanilla extractMix the flour, sugar, baking soda, cream of tartar and salt together. Cut in the butter flavored Crisco (like you would a pie crust).Add the eggs, , milk...

Volcanic Tongue interview with David Keenan

Peter Brotzmann and David Keenan.With the end of Volcanic Tongue, the closure of the greatest European record store for the past ten years is now a fact. So here’s a final talk with its shopkeeper who never saw himself as a shopkeeper: David Keenan. At the end of last year, you wrote a piece for the Wire about 'the end of underground music'. In the beginning of this year, you announced the closing of Volcanic Tongue. Are these two events linked to each other?My reasons for closing down Volcanic Tongue after 10 years are entirely personal and unrelated to the state of anything else except perhaps the economy. Since the economic downturn...

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