http://draftletters.blogspot.com________ _______ MANAGEMENT (PVT) LTDCONDOMINIUM PLAN NO. 3878.ATTENDANCE SLIPTHE EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING - 2013I/We hereby record my/our presence at the Extraordinary General Meeting of the _______ ______ Management (Pvt) Ltd, on Tuesday 30th October 2013.01.   Full Name of the Member……………………………………………02.   Member’s/s NIC Number……………………………………………..03.   Unit No…………………..  Assessment No………………………...04.   Share Value……………………………………………………………05.   Signature/s…………………………………………………………….Notes: 01.    Members are kindly requested to bring...

Salary Transfer Letter

http://draftletters.blogspot.com22.08.2012 The  Manager, _________  BANK - KOLPITY _________   Plus Road Colombo 03. Dear  Sir, Please  be  good  enough  to  debit Rs.121,955.76  from  our A/C No.10053252358                      and credit the following monies  to  the  respective  Account , as  detailed  below. Name Account  No.              ...

How to Write a Confirmation Request Letter

29th April, 2011The Manager,_____ _____ Bank,Head Office Branch,Galle Road,Colombo-3.Dear Sir,AUDIT OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS – MARCH 31st 2013As per request of our auditors, M/S _._.  Muththuplle & Co, Chartered Accountants, No. 22/4, _____ Kumarathunga Road, Colombo-5. We shall be obliged if you will confirm direct to them (with a copy to us) the following balances of our accounts in your records:-Savings Account No: 1-0202-06-54515           Happy Savings A/C No:  1-2401-66-0623-9                                   1-0221-01-07545 ...

How to Write a Confirmation

http://draftletters.blogspot.com29th April, 2011The Manager,_____ _____ Bank,Head Office Branch,Galle Road,Colombo-3.Dear Sir,AUDIT OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS – MARCH 31st 2013As per request of our auditors, M/S _._.  Muththuplle & Co, Chartered Accountants, No. 22/4, _____ Kumarathunga Road, Colombo-5. We shall be obliged if you will confirm direct to them (with a copy to us) the following balances of our accounts in your records:-Savings Account No: 1-0202-06-54515           Happy Savings A/C No:     1-2401-66-0623-9              ...


29th October 2011Mr. Don Anurasiri_______ BankMGR- SalesNo: 110, Sir Jamma Covil Mw Colombo – 02.                   Dear Sir,SUB: SETTLEMENT OF OUTSTANDING ARREARS ON STAND BY POWER (2009/2010) .We wish to draw your immediate attention that our records show that an amount totaling Rs 9,704.87 is remained unsettled as at 30thSeptember 2011 on the Advertising Board and ATM Machine occupied by you.We would therefore appreciate if you could kindly settle the above sum on or before 15/11/2011.In the event if you do not settle the aforesaid sum on the stipulated...

Vehicle Transfer Letter

28th August, 2012B 14 _._._ Flat,_____ Lane,Maradana,Colombo – 10.Sale of vehicle No TN - 3637  I, R. Senanayake who is the Holder of NIC No 931351778 V Hereby accept Rs 185000/= (Ninety Five Thousand Rupee Only) and sale my vehicle to Mr._____._______ Perera holder of NIC No 891382405 V. Further, here with hand over the followings01.    Certificate of registration of motor Vehicle02.    Keys etc.  Thank youYours Truly  …………………….                              ……………………..Seller...

Year End Compliments

http://draftletters.blogspot.comCOMPANY LETTER HEAD HERE _____________________________________________________________________The ChairmanUTIC (Pvt) LtdYear End ComplimentsPlease be informed that the Following personal who provide services to UTIC (Pvt) Ltd in numerous ways had been paid cash as compliments past years. We are compelled to continue the practice this year too, hence your approval is sought, please.01.  Garbage collect from Garbage room to                   Rs. 1,000.00Car Park (Two People)02.  CMC – Garbage Truck                                         ...


LIBERTY PLAZA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION              REQUISITION FORM             From-: Name                                                               Department/ Section -:Date -: SRL NO DESCRIPTION OF ITEM/...

Request for Insurance Claim

01st February 2012Mr. ______ PereraClaims Manager________ _______ InsuranceColombo - 03Dear SirPUBLIC LIABILITY - POLICY NO : G/111/PL/16724Relating to the above Policy, Please be good enough to send a Representative to inspect the damage cause to the above unit due to water seepage.Thanking YouYours faithfully,...................................R P Y PathiranaManager Maintenan...

Salary Increment letter

_______ _______ MANAGEMENT CO. LTDINTERNAL MEMORANDUMTo                                :           The ChairmanFrom                            :           AccountantDate                            ...

Settlement of charges Letter

01st October, 2012The Accountant,_______ ______ Management (Pvt) Ltd2nd Floor,__________ BuildingColombe 05Dear SirUNIT: 150/05 K - _______ _______ COMPLEX, COLOMBO 05.Enclosed please find a cheque bearing No: Rs. 21,584/62 in settlement of the Following Charges.                                                                                 Amount (Rs Cts)Maintenance Charges                   ...

Draft Invitation INVITATIONThe Presentation of awards to the Best Athletes of 2011 will be held on 24th January 2012 at 5.30 p.m at BMICH The Chief Guest isThe chairman of _________ LTDMr ______ RathnajeewaWe cordially inviteMr/Mrs/Miss______________ _____________For the occasion.A cultural show will follow.                                                              Secretary                       ...

Advertisement Draft

http://draftletters.blogspot.comIMMEDIATE OPPORTUNITY FOR SCHOOL LEAVERSWe are looking female school leavers 18 yrs and above, who like working with young children at a reputed international School. Knowledge of English is essential. Training will be provided.Salary negotiable.Call on 071-  3452356             071- 5341789 between 9.00AM to 17.00...

Order Request Letter

______ Liyanage_______ Management (Pvt) Ltd_______ ________ RoadRatmalana1992. 09. 27The ManagerLake View Book Shop________  _______ RoadGalkanda.Order - Not ReceivedAs per the Purchase Order NO : PO/1992/09/01 we ordered 5 books from your book shop. the date of same PO is 15th July, 1992.The Ordered books are as followsBook                                                                  AuthorMadoldoowa                ...

Loan Request Letter

________ Galpita________ ______ Road,_______ balpitaKatunayake10th December, 2012The Manager_______ _______ Bank______ _______ Road,KatunayakeDear SirRequesting a Loan for a Small Industry.I have thought to start a my own work and the business. I have selected is the block bricks and flower pots. I have previous experience of working in such a place and by now i have started it in a small way, now i need to  increase my production.Sir, please let me know about your bank loan facilities with interest, Paying system and the maximum amount. Also send me and application please.Thank youyours Faithfully.......................________...

Request letter to support - Class Libraries

13.09.2016Welfare SocietyKe/ Batepola ______ College__________ RoadColombo 10The Director,"Good Will"Social Service Association________ RoadColombo 14Dear SirProposed Project of Class LibrariesFor the purpose of developing the reading skill of the Children we have decided to lunch  a project on class libraries. for that we have few books only.  we have got matters arranged on the space.Our children mostly like magazines , children's stories and knowledge giving books. also they  like, science history and books on English. So what we request you is to support us on English. so what we...

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