20th May 2013 ( Put The Date )Mrs. Srimali Senadiraja (Name of the Receiver & Address)Genaral ManagerSrilanka Water Refining& Development CorporationP.O. Box,126No. 03, Sri Janadhipathi Mawatha,Welikakla,Rajagahanuwara.Dear Sir / MadamUNIT NO: 245/9/13 SURCHARGE WAVING OFFThis refers to the letter addressed to us by Eng.(Mrs.)  Srimali Senadiraja , General Manager SLWRDC on 19th April 2012 on above subject.We appreciate your willingness to settle this matter. Further more we gather from your letter that you have requested us to wave off the surcharge imposed on the above unit No: 9/13However, as per the condominium rules...

Acceptance of Audit Proposal - Sample Letter

YOUR COMPANY LETTER HEAD HERE20th April, 2012. Mr. Surepi Rajakaruna. Partner,NPSG Bord, Balks, Silva & Co.(Charted Accounts)62 B, Sir Mohamed Macen Markar Mawatha,P.O. Box 126,Colombe-13.Dear Sir,ANNUAL AUDIT We are pleased to inform that your proposal for External Audit of financial statement has been accepted and you have been appointed as the Auditors for the Financial Year 2011/2012, at the Annual General Meeting of Dasis Creation Corporation (Your Company Name) held on 18th November, 2011.We agree to pay your professional fee of Rs. 245,000/= Plus VAT , as requested by you.Thanking you and looking forward to your co-operationYours...

Sample Affidavit Letter

Mar 14, 2012Commissioner of Labour EPF Paying DivisionDept. of LabourNarahenpitaDear SirNo. 29376/ A/ 80 – MR. SENARATH ARACHCHIGE DHARMASENANIC NO: 520522686VWith reference to your memo dated Mar 12, 2012, we de herby certify that the following names given in the below mentioned documents refer to one and the same personDOCUMENT                              NAMEBirth Certificate                              Senerath Arachchige DharmasenaNational Identity Card          ...

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