YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE INTERNAL MEMORANDUMTo                    :           The Finance ControllerFrom                :           AccountantDate                :           February 29, 2012 Subject           ...

Tips for photographing a sleeping baby on Shutterfly!

Hey,I thought I might point you guys towards these few photo tips I shared with Shutterfly few weeks ago, since I'm going to have another special photography competition that I will announce on March!And there's going to be a totally cool prize that Shutterfly will be custom-making! Stay tune...

Bank Details Confirmation for Vendor

 COMPANY LETTER HEADCompany VAT  Reg. No. 488022403-7000Date 24th February, 2012                                                        Vendor Help Desk,Xxxxx Xxxxxx Lanka ( Pvt) Ltd, (Vender NameNo 598, Elvitipola Mawatha,Ragama - 05Dear Sir,Confirmation of Bank Account of......................... (Your bank A/C Number) (Your Company Name)This is to confirm the...

Sample Resignation Letter

http://draftletters.blogspot.comMrs Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx (Your Name)41, XxxxxxXxxxxx XxxxxColombo 08  (Your Address)24th February, 2012Manager AdministrationXxxxxxx Xxxxx (Your Company Name)313, XxxxxxColombo 13 (Year Company Address)RESIGNATION FROM THE POST OF SECRETARYI wish to inform you that I have decided to resign from the post of Secretary with effect from 22nd December, 2053, as I will be migrating. Hence I hereby give one month’s notice from the date of this letter as per the requirement of the letter of appointment dated 22nd December, 2000.I shall be very much thankful if you would kindly grant me my salary and I take this opportunity...

Draft Resolution- (How to write a Resolution)

XXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXX (Your Company Name)Resolution in writing of the Members of the Council of XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX (your compay Name), Condominium Plan No. 3878 adopted by circulation on 05th January, 2012.________________________________________________________________________ANNUAL AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH 2011.We the undersigned being the Council Members of the Council of XXXXXXXXXXX (Your Company Name) , Condominium Plan No.3878 (hereinafter referred as the “Management Corporation”)HEREBY RESOLVE:“That the Draft Audited Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2011 be and in hereby approved and...

Sample - For Quotation

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (NAME OF THE COMPANY)No: 123, Raja MawathaColombo - 03Tel : 011-XXXXXXX, Fax : 011-XXXXXXXX (Your Telephone No)Email (Your Email Adress)Customer Name : Mr. Sarath KolavilaAddress                 : Gajamatic Music Collection                                  Tin Tin Road                               ...

Fan Art Competition — THE WINNER(s)

♥♡Congratulations QUEENIE LIAO, and Happy Valentine's day to all♡♥Winner of The Great Fan Art CompetitionYou will get this perfect bedtime stories basket, I hope you enjoy it!♥♥♥♥And four other winners, who will get the When My Baby Dreams -book: Melanie Carlton, Kristin Rothang, Carlos Cuervo and Monique LandryCONGRATULATIONS! Please, if you haven't send me yo...

The Great FAN ART Competition — The last Finalist!

Congratulations Sarah Jordan!                               Oh,  I love this one too! Lovely colors and harmonic composition, good job! There's never too many heart shaped balloons, if you ask from me. Thank you all who have sent these truly amazing pictures! I'm going to pick the winner of this fan art competition from the finalists and four other WMBD-book winners...


XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX  (Your Company Name)INTERNAL MEMORANDUMTo                    :           The ChairmanFrom                :           AccountantDate                :           January 30, 2012Subject           ...

The Great FAN ART Competition — The 7th Finalist!

Congratulations Queenie Liao!                                Oh my...this is so cute! Very nice composition and I actually like that little photoshopping with carpet colors. ♡Hey, you can still send me your fan pictures, Competition is on until the Valentines day, 14.2.2012!whenmybabydreams (@) gmail.c...

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