The Great FAN ART Competition — The 6th Finalist!

Congratulations Kirsi Vuomajoki!                                 I love your Winter Wonderland picture! Beautiful background and harmonic colors. Good Job! Hey, you can still send me your fan pictures, Competition is on until the Valentines day, 14.2.2012!whenmybabydreams (@) gmail.c...

How did it start? Read it from the ETSY blog!

I just wanted to show you the pictures where I got the idea. One day Mila fell asleep on a blanket and looked like a little fencer. Next day, when I was looking that picture, I thought it could be funnier if there was something else happening on a background. They could be her dreams illustrated!So I waited until she was sleeping again and built this little forest from a...

How To Write A Debt Collection Letter

September 12, 2011( Mentioned the Correct Date)Mrs. XXXXXX (Name of the Debtor)250/1/34UXXXXXXXXXXXX – 03 (Address)Dear Sir,SUB: SETTLEMENT OF OUTSTANDING ON SERVICE CHARGEUNIT NO: 250/1/34UWe wish to draw your immediate attention that our records show that an amount totaling Rs 139,536.70 (Mention Outstanding amount) is remained unsettled as at 31st August 2011on account of the member’s contribution on the aforesaid unit occupied by you.We would therefore appreciate if you could kindly settle the above sum on or before 30/09/2011. (Mention the Date)Please note that the XXXXXXX (Your Company Name)’s recurring and non recurring expenditure...

The Great FAN ART Competition — 5th Finalist!

Congratulations Tearson Morrison & Mom, Jason and Easton!                                   Such a cute chef and elegant implementation. He just might be the future Top Chef!I've received so much these great and funny pictures, thank you so much, so don't worry if I didn't pick yours yet. I might do it later. And of course you can still send me your fan pictures.&nbs...

Our 15 minutes in fame - Today Show

I was so nervous but I survived, mostly because all hosts were so warm and lovely in person,Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economyWith Kathie Lee and HodaVisit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economyWith Ann CurryThank you Kathie Lee, Hoda, Ann Curry and all the others, who I had pleasure to meet...

Draft Chairman's Report

18th AGM-2011 Chairman’s ReportXXXXXXXXXXX (Company Name)It is with great pleasure that I welcome you, on behalf of the Council, to the 18th Annual general Meeting of  XXXXXXXXXXX (Company Name) and present the annual accounts for the year ended 31st March 2011. The last twelve months have been noteworthy in numerous respects with regards to performance.We are still recovering recovering from the imopacet left behind by the thirty year long internal conflict and with the mind cessation of some in may 2009, will hopefully have a positive impact on the mind set of the peoples and investors, local and foreign. If the Aid for development...

The Great FAN ART Competition — 4th Finalist!

Congratulations Kylee Leonetti!                                   Oh my god, this is so gorgeous and soothing image! I like the way there's movement in this pic, she really looks like she's walking through the snow blizzard. Love it!Pssst! You can still send me your fan pictures. whenmybabydreams (@) gmail.comCompetition is on until the Valentines day, 14.2.201...

Letter For Job Promotion

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (Name of the Company)INTERNAL MEMORANDUMTo                                :           The ChairmanFrom                            :           AccountantDate                            ...

Letter For Job Promotion

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (Name of the Company)INTERNAL MEMORANDUMTo                                :           The ChairmanFrom                            :           AccountantDate                            ...

Sample Advertisement For Accounts Clark

Sample Advertisement For Accounts ClarkVacancy exists forAccounts Clerkv       The successful applicant would be between 21- 35 years old. v       Must have AAT II or equivalent with one year Experiencev       Computer literacy in word and Excel is essential, knowledge in Profit Plus accounting package is added advantage. v       Must be able to prepare monthly salaries, Accounts, etc.Salary: Negotiable Apply within 14 days giving names ant contact Nos. of 2 Non-related referees to:Manager AdministrationXXXXXXX (Your...

Sample Advertisement For Accounts Clark

Sample Advertisement For Accounts ClarkVacancy exists forAccounts Clerkv       The successful applicant would be between 21- 35 years old. v       Must have AAT II or equivalent with one year Experiencev       Computer literacy in word and Excel is essential, knowledge in Profit Plus accounting package is added advantage. v       Must be able to prepare monthly salaries, Accounts, etc.Salary: Negotiable Apply within 14 days giving names ant contact Nos. of 2 Non-related referees to:Manager AdministrationXXXXXXX (Your...

Service Letter - How To write a service Letter

How To write a service Letter------------------------------------------------------Put here The LETTE HEAD OF YOUR COMPANY on the top of the Letter------------------------------------------------------ …../…../20….. (Date)TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERNThis is to certify that Mr. K.K.N.S. XXXXXXX (Name) of 686/12, ……………………..(Address), is in our employed from 01st April 2011, as an Accountant.During his stay with us he gained valuable experience in Debtors, Payroll and up to final Accounts.He worked in a...

Face Act

As per the  load buddha's  preaching the main things that we have to practice in our life is Five precepts. as we are budhist we  have to practice thease code of conduct (ethics) every day.the five precept are as follows01. Panati pata weramani sikka padan samadiyami - abstaining from killing living beings02. Adinnadana weramani sikka padan samadiyami - abstaining  from steeling of which are not belongings to  us03. Kamasumichchacara weramani...

The Great FAN ART Competition — 3rd FINALIST!

Congratulations Caitlin Carson!                                   This aeroplane picture made me smile, I love the baby's expression and it reminds me of  Snoopy playing The Red Baron in the Peanuts. Only thing missing is tiny pilot's cap and goggles, haha.  Great job!Pssst! You can still send me your fan pictures. whenmybabydreams (@) gmail.comCompetition is on until the...

The book — It is OUT THERE!

Today is the day! Yay! I can't believe my book baby is out there somewhere.Have you seen it yet? If you see it, please take a picture and send it to me.I want to see with my own eyes that it's really out there and it's not alone :)"Please, take a good care of my book baby. With love, Adel...

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