- 24 -(please, do not copy or re-publish or re-send this picture in the e-mails. Copyright © Adele Enersen 2010)Hyvää joulua, Merry Christmas, God Jul, Boas Festas e Feliz Ano Novo, Joyeux Noel, Froehliche Weihnachten, Mo'adim Lesimkha. Chena tova, Buone Feste Natalizie, Shinnen omedeto. Merii Kurisumasu, Kung His Hsin Nien bing Chu Shen Tan, Sarbatori vesele, Feliz Navidad, Wesolych Swiat...

23 - Christmas tree and +6 days

 - 23 -We had to improvise, since we are suddenly going to spend christmas in Finland. There has been teeny tiny difficulties with the air traffic, so our flight is next wednesday...&nbs...

22 - Book News, Good News!

- 22 -This has been too busy day to take any photos, but I've got some good news instead:Daydream illustrated "When my baby dreams" -book is going to be published in 2012 in all english speaking countries, and also in Italy, German, Brazil and Israel! Yay!&nbs...

21 - Packing packing and packing

 - 21 -Well, I think I have all I need.&nbs...

20 - Gray bureaucracy day

- 20 -I ran trough the park after I "enjoyed" poor customer service at the bank. Bureaucracy-crazy peopl...

17, 18, 19 -2nd Anniversary ♡

 - 19 -Our wedding picture, drawn by my mother-in-law, Liis...

16 - First christmas gifts

- 16 -I love these wrappings! Fabric strings and stripey paper by Marimekk...

15 - Love

- 15 -*snif...

14 - Kung Fu LIVE posing with dad

- 14 -IMPORTANT SECURITY NOTICE: do not use baby as a weapon while playing. Posing to cam as cute as a button is all they can do in this game ;)We don't play that much with PS3, but since Lasse had a change to compose music for this unique game called "Kung Fu LIVE", we tried this game at home, and it's really funny. You are actually in the game via webcam and you control the game with your...

13 - Playtime

- 13 -She is learning to crawl, or fly. Maybe both.&nbs...

12 - Mila's first blueberry & beetroot painting

 -12- I'm raising this next (female)Jackson Pollock here, and she prefers to think outside the box.&nbs...

11 - Winter Wonderland?

 -11-"Honey, was it yesterday when you dug our car free from the snow with the tiny showel, and it took like a 40 minutes?", "Yes..", "Ok, just checking, please, don't look out from the front window.....

10 - The Ugly Gingerbread Boy and other weird cookies

- 10 -The Ugly Gingerbread Boy burnt his fingers in love matters. It's no good to fall in love with the oven if you are made of dough.I didn't have a cute mold, but I had fun with the frosting. PS, if you dip the clean brush in to hot water, you can "paint" with the frosting.&nbs...

9 - We are all made of books.

   - 9 -The Self-portrait, which actually looks like my Mother-In-Law.I love reading. Especially paperback books while traveling or when we have vacations. You don't even need to travel to visit in other countries and cultures if your read the books from there. I believe that studying in school is not that important but reading is. Everybody should have an opportunity learn to read. You can...

8 - Sweet Dreams

-8-She still sleeps like a her sweet baby trap grib.&nbs...

7 - just another dead houseplant

-7- I think I'm a houseplant serial killer. This one supposed to be those "easy ones." It's a lie! I think they are the worst.More suffering plants, mourning their fate in the candlelight..."Help! Anyone? Is all the water in the world frozen? We haven't seen any lately...Ouch, those little fire-things burn!" UPDATE:  17.49 Rescue mission. The Curmudgeon gave us excellent advice in...

6 - Finlandia

-6-We are celebrating Finland's Independence Day today. Instead of taking photo I found this nice video from Youtube. Music: Jean Sibelius - Finlandia.&nbs...

5 - Blueberry Lipstick

-5-Mila loves berries. Blueberry, strawberry & lingonberry sauce without added sugar...

4 - New friend

-4-There's a new bunny in Daydream-to...

3 - Morning

-3- I'm cooking worms oatmeal for my early bird, while the town still sleep...

2 - Daddy's Little Viking Princess

-2-Lo and behold...she's awak...

Christmas Countdown Calendar: 1 - Introduction

This year we are not going to spend X-mas in the traditional way. Well, I've to confess, we nearly never do, especially this year, since we are going to travel to Venice Beach on Christmast Eve.I like some of the traditions and when you have a child it's more interesting have them, although Mila is far too young to understand all that fuss... so I decided to build my own photo - countdown...

Greetings from the Darkness

This is the most darkest time in finnish climate. There's only a few hours of daylight per day, and that daylight is dim. There's wet and cold out and slush ruins your shoes. Don't get me wrong, I love Finland since this is nice and safe country to live and we have plenty of cool things* coming from our tiny, dark and weird country, but I still would like to ask from my ancesters that what the...

Scandinavian Spice Cake

Scandinavian food is usually mild and spiceless, but not this cake. The aroma of this cake is intoxicating. This traditional spice cake is great treat with the coffee and it's so easy to make. You need only one bowl to mix.Dry ingredients: 2 dl Dark Farin sugar (Brown sugar)0.5 dl White sugar(Or just 1.5 dl white sugar with 1 dl brown syrup. Mix syrup with liquids)4.5 dl Flour 1 ts baking...

Lullaby for Mila

I'm often singing lullaby's to Mila. One night I just started to hum a little melody in my head. When Mila fell asleep I went to ask my hubby if he had heard that melody before, and where it might be from, or did I just made that up. He said it sounds like I made that. "Can we make a lullaby for her from that?" I asked. "Yes, sure. Or we could make a Broadway musical?" He replied. "Well...let's...

Maternity moments: Baby-led weaning

The poor thing, formerly known as broccoli.After our first meal experience so many of you suggested Baby-led weaning. It sounds really good and logical method, so I decided to give a try... The broccoli was never even near Mila's mouth. She picked it up into her little fist and just squeezed the life and fluids out of it like it was a sponge. She snarled to it. Then she decided to throw me...

How to make an unique family tree

Families fit rarely into ready sablons, so when I tried to fill our family tree for Mila's baby book I noticed it would be better to make our own tree. Then you can make it as wide as you like, or just choose those closest relatives. You need: - blanket or other fabric to be a tree trunk and grass- 3-4 colored paper napkins for leaves.- Paper plates, as many as close relatives. Tip: if you li...

Maternity moments: The very first meal.

Copyright ©Adele EnersenWe have started the solid foods... Mila enjoys them, at least externally...&nbs...

Hush, Little Baby...

First of all, thank you SO much for all your nice comments, support and lovely e-mails. We feel truly loved. Thank you!I'd like to thank you by giving you something, it's maybe usefull and definitely free. While teething we have faced the sleeping problems with our sleeper champion, but we also found something to help that. *drumming* Baby To Sleep.mp3The magical solution for those situatio...

I'm just a Daydreamer...

Daydream-land is still missing Mila, who is more anxious to chew toys with her brand new pearl teeths than sleep, but that's not the reason why this blog is changing.I love you people,When I started this blog I didn't expect this to happen. This was my funny little hobby with my constantly sleeping newborn and this blog was for my family and friends, especially for those who lived in long...

"She Loves Me, She Loves Me Lots."

Copyright ©Adele Enerse...

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