We wish you all a very HAPPY and HEALTHY 2014!!
The five most popular posts on Coleen's Recipes in 2013 were:
Thank you very much for visiting
my recipe blog this year!!

RUMS #52

Wahnsinn. Ein Jahr RUMS

DANKE an Luci, Paula, Susi und Lilo, die von der Idee einer Linkparty fürs Weib gleich angetan waren und somit für RUMS vollumfänglich mitverantwortlich sind.♥

DANKE an Michael Böttler, Schöpfer der RUMS-Lady - dem "Gesicht" von RUMS.

DANKE , dass ihr alle dieser Idee "RUMS" so viel Leben eingehaucht habt, Woche für Woche.

DANKE für so viel Spaß und Freude, ohne wenn und aber, ohne Diskussion, einfach nur "von uns, für uns".

Frohe Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch in ein gesundes und zufriedenes RUMS-Jahr 2014!!

In aller Kürze:
Gezeigt werden darf alles, was DU für DICH SELBER genäht, gestickt, gestrickt, gehäkelt, gebastelt, geklöppelt oder sonstwie gehandarbeitet hast. 
Du darfst dabei Werbung machen, auf Verlosungen hinweisen, Handstand machen oder ein Tanzvideo einstellen - nur Du solltest etwas zeigen, was DU ganz persönlich FÜR DICH selbstgemacht hast.
Du schreibst für diese Sache am Donnerstag einen Post, in dem Du zu RUMS verlinkst - und das als LINK und nicht als Text! Nur mit einem Backlink funktioniert die Verlinkung hier unter dem Post.
Unter den Fotos findest Du das Verlinkungstool. Da trägst Du den Link von Deinem Blogpost (nicht nur vom Blog), Deinen Namen und Deine Mailadresse (die bleibt unsichtbar) und ZACK - es RUMSt auch bei Dir!

Welcome at RUMS - all about the girls on Thursday
You may show everything you made BY yourself FOR yourself. No matter if you sew, embroider, knit, crotchet, tinker, weld or whatever handicraft you can imagine. You are allowed to advertise, to link any raffle, do a handstand, post a dancing video - the only rule is: by yourself for yourself.
Write a post about your stuff on Thursday and backlink to RUMS (real link, not just text). Without a backlink, you can't link here. You'll find the linking tool right below the pictures. Just enter your post's link (NOT just the blog adress, this won't work), your name and mail adress (won't be visible) and - hey, presto! There's RUMS for you!
  (Danke an Luci für die Übersetzung!! <3)


If you are looking for a last minute gift idea that is super easy to make and even more easy to "consume mass quantities" (as the Coneheads would say); you have to try this caramel corn recipe from the cooks over at Table for Seven. I've tried a lot of caramel corn recipes over the years, and this is BY FAR the best one EVER!!  As a matter of fact, picky-picky husband and I ate the entire batch in one evening, we just couldn't leave it alone!!

1 bag of microwave popcorn (see note)
1 cup brown sugar (I used dark brown)
1/4 cup Karo corn syrup (the clear kind)
2 teaspoons molasses
1/2 cup butter cut into cubes
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon vanilla

Preheat your oven to 250° and lightly spray a large baking sheet (with sides) with vegetable spray, set aside.

In a sauce pan, bring the brown sugar, corn syrup, molasses, butter and salt to a simmer. Cook and stir until this mixture reaches 250° on a candy thermometer (it takes about 5 minutes).

While the mixture is simmering, pop the bag of popcorn in the microwave then spread it out on the prepared baking sheet and let it sit in the preheated oven to stay warm.

When the caramel mixture reaches 250°, remove it from the heat and stir in the baking soda and vanilla.  Stir until very well mixed (it will get just a little foamy).

Pour over the popped corn and stir to coat. Bake coated popcorn in the 250° oven for one hour, stirring every 15 minutes or so.

After it has baked one hour, turn it out onto some waxed paper and let it cool (doesn't take long). Once it is completely cool, break apart any larger pieces and store in an airtight container (or Ziploc bag).

NOTE: I used one bag of lightly salted microwave popcorn. Personally, I don't think I would use the heavy butter flavored variety, although I'm sure it would work.

NOTE: Let the candy coated spoons/utensils sit in a cup of hot water for a little while and the candy will dissolve and wash off easily.

NOTE: Make sure the baking sheet that you use has sides. I used my roaster pan and it worked well.  You just want the sides to be tall enough that, when you stir the caramel corn you won't lose any over the edge.

NOTE: Be careful while you are stirring this caramel sauce so you don't get it on your skin (it is dangerously hot).

Once you turn the finished caramel corn out onto waxed paper, it cools down very quickly.

NOTE: The final caramel corn is lightly crunchy and not at all sticky as long as you keep it in an airtight container.

RUMS #51

Es ist wieder RUMStaaaag!!!!!

Zum 51. Mal RUMSt es hier. 
Ein Jahr RUMS - ein Jahr in dem wir wöchentlich Dinge nur für uns selber gewerkelt haben. Ich finde es wichtig, regelmäßig auch mal an sich selbst zu denken. Das tut einfach gut, macht Spaß und gibt Kraft für den Alltag.
Ich freue mich wahnsinnig, das ihr das offensichtlich genauso seht, die wöchentlichen Klicks und Verlinkungen sprechen für sich. 
Und da einige schon fragten:
JA, es geht weiter in 2014. 
Alles bleibt, wie es ist:
Jeden Donnerstag RUMS - Rund ums Weib am Donnerstag mit Dingen von uns - für uns. 
In aller Kürze:
Gezeigt werden darf alles, was DU für DICH SELBER genäht, gestickt, gestrickt, gehäkelt, gebastelt, geklöppelt oder sonstwie gehandarbeitet hast. 
Du darfst dabei Werbung machen, auf Verlosungen hinweisen, Handstand machen oder ein Tanzvideo einstellen - nur Du solltest etwas zeigen, was DU ganz persönlich FÜR DICH selbstgemacht hast.
Du schreibst für diese Sache am Donnerstag einen Post, in dem Du zu RUMS verlinkst - und das als LINK und nicht als Text! Nur mit einem Backlink funktioniert die Verlinkung hier unter dem Post.
Unter den Fotos findest Du das Verlinkungstool. Da trägst Du den Link von Deinem Blogpost (nicht nur vom Blog), Deinen Namen und Deine Mailadresse (die bleibt unsichtbar) und ZACK - es RUMSt auch bei Dir!

Welcome at RUMS - all about the girls on Thursday
You may show everything you made BY yourself FOR yourself. No matter if you sew, embroider, knit, crotchet, tinker, weld or whatever handicraft you can imagine. You are allowed to advertise, to link any raffle, do a handstand, post a dancing video - the only rule is: by yourself for yourself.
Write a post about your stuff on Thursday and backlink to RUMS (real link, not just text). Without a backlink, you can't link here. You'll find the linking tool right below the pictures. Just enter your post's link (NOT just the blog adress, this won't work), your name and mail adress (won't be visible) and - hey, presto! There's RUMS for you!
  (Danke an Luci für die Übersetzung!! <3)


If you are looking for something super simple, yet impressive enough to WOW your dinner guests over the holidays, I suggest you make these cream puffs.  They are SUPER easy to make, SUPER economical and SUPER fun to serve.

1/2 cup butter (cubed)(no substitutions)
1 cup water

Bring the water and cubed butter to a boil (just until the butter melts). While it's still boiling, add one cup of flour (all at once) and stir with a sturdy spoon until the mixture turns into a thick "glob" (it just takes a few seconds).


Remove from heat and put "the glob" in your stand mixer. Mix on medium speed while you add 1 teaspoon of vanilla and 1 tablespoon of sugar.

Mix on high for a couple of minutes or so, just to cool off the dough a little.

With the mixer still running, add four eggs, ONE AT A TIME, beating well in between each egg. The final dough will be quite sticky.

Either grease your cookie sheet or line with parchment paper (I like to use parchment paper) and place spoonfuls of this mixture (about the size of a golf ball?) on the prepared cookie sheet, making sure they are about 3-4 inches apart since, as they bake, they will puff up a lot.

Put in a PRE-HEATED 400°F oven and immediately turn the oven DOWN TO 350°F. Bake for one hour. 

When you take them out of the oven, poke a small hole in the side of the baked cream puff to let steam escape. I have forgotten to poke that hole before and it didn't seem to make a lot of difference. 

Cool completely on a wire rack.

They come out of the oven

To serve, cut in half and fill with sweetened whipped cream or berries and whipped cream or pudding, or ice cream or anything your family likes.

Dust the tops with powdered sugar or drizzle with chocolate sauce.

VARIATION: If you leave out the sugar and vanilla, these puffs are delicious filled with chicken salad, seafood salad, etc.


RUMS #50

Es ist wieder RUMStaaaag!!!!!

Hinweis in eigener Sache:
Leider werden jede Woche wieder Sachen verlinkt, die offensichtlich KEIN RUMS sind, da sie fürs Kind, für die Freundin, den Shop oder sonstwen gefertigt sind. Da mir momentan die Zeit fehlt, das alles lieb zu kommentieren, lösche ich diese Links ohne weiteren Kommentar. Wenn ihr euch also in der Liste nicht wieder findet, dann lest noch mal den Text "In aller Kürze" unter dem Bild durch, dann wisst ihr, ob es vielleicht daran liegt, das ihr verschwunden seid. ;o)

Vielen Dank für Euer Verständnis - wer es nicht hat wird auch nicht bedauert. 
In aller Kürze:
Gezeigt werden darf alles, was DU für DICH SELBER genäht, gestickt, gestrickt, gehäkelt, gebastelt, geklöppelt oder sonstwie gehandarbeitet hast. 
Du darfst dabei Werbung machen, auf Verlosungen hinweisen, Handstand machen oder ein Tanzvideo einstellen - nur Du solltest etwas zeigen, was DU ganz persönlich FÜR DICH selbstgemacht hast.
Du schreibst für diese Sache am Donnerstag einen Post, in dem Du zu RUMS verlinkst - und das als LINK und nicht als Text! Nur mit einem Backlink funktioniert die Verlinkung hier unter dem Post.
Unter den Fotos findest Du das Verlinkungstool. Da trägst Du den Link von Deinem Blogpost (nicht nur vom Blog), Deinen Namen und Deine Mailadresse (die bleibt unsichtbar) und ZACK - es RUMSt auch bei Dir!

Welcome at RUMS - all about the girls on Thursday
You may show everything you made BY yourself FOR yourself. No matter if you sew, embroider, knit, crotchet, tinker, weld or whatever handicraft you can imagine. You are allowed to advertise, to link any raffle, do a handstand, post a dancing video - the only rule is: by yourself for yourself.
Write a post about your stuff on Thursday and backlink to RUMS (real link, not just text). Without a backlink, you can't link here. You'll find the linking tool right below the pictures. Just enter your post's link (NOT just the blog adress, this won't work), your name and mail adress (won't be visible) and - hey, presto! There's RUMS for you!
  (Danke an Luci für die Übersetzung!! <3)


'Tis the season for Christmas cookies, and this is one of our favorites. Simple ingredients, simple instructions; you can make them as festive (or simple) as you want and they are still "melt in your mouth" delicious. Try these classic shortbread cookies for the holidays.

1 cup room temperature butter (no substitutions)
1/2  cup brown sugar (packed tight into measuring cup)
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 cups flour
In a large stand mixer (using paddle beater), beat the butter, vanilla and brown sugar (on high) for five minutes (scrape down the bowl sides half way through).
After 5 minutes, add the flour (one cup at a time) and beat until very well mixed and the cookie dough comes away from the sides of
the bowl.
Roll the dough into a log and wrap in plastic wrap. Chill for at least a couple hours (I like to chill overnight).
When you are ready to bake these cookies, roll the log in sprinkles or finely chopped nuts, pressing them in with your hands just a little.
Using a thin bladed knife, slice the cookie log into 1/4" slices and place on an UNGREASED cookie sheet.  Bake in a pre-heated 325° oven for 20-25 minutes or until edges of the cookies JUST START to change color. My electric oven takes 23 minutes.
Remove from cookie sheet and cool on bakers rack.  These cookies do NOT spread out when you bake them, so you can really place them close together on the baking sheet.
Just make sure you have a
tall glass of milk!!

RUMS #49

Es ist wieder RUMStaaaag!!!!!

Hinweis in eigener Sache:
Leider werden jede Woche wieder Sachen verlinkt, die offensichtlich KEIN RUMS sind, da sie fürs Kind, für die Freundin, den Shop oder sonstwen gefertigt sind. Da mir momentan die Zeit fehlt, das alles lieb zu kommentieren, lösche ich diese Links ohne weiteren Kommentar. Wenn ihr euch also in der Liste nicht wieder findet, dann lest noch mal den Text "In aller Kürze" unter dem Bild durch, dann wisst ihr, ob es vielleicht daran liegt, das ihr verschwunden seid. ;o)

Vielen Dank für Euer Verständnis - wer es nicht hat wird auch nicht bedauert. 
In aller Kürze:
Gezeigt werden darf alles, was DU für DICH SELBER genäht, gestickt, gestrickt, gehäkelt, gebastelt, geklöppelt oder sonstwie gehandarbeitet hast. 
Du darfst dabei Werbung machen, auf Verlosungen hinweisen, Handstand machen oder ein Tanzvideo einstellen - nur Du solltest etwas zeigen, was DU ganz persönlich FÜR DICH selbstgemacht hast.
Du schreibst für diese Sache am Donnerstag einen Post, in dem Du zu RUMS verlinkst - und das als LINK und nicht als Text! Nur mit einem Backlink funktioniert die Verlinkung hier unter dem Post.
Unter den Fotos findest Du das Verlinkungstool. Da trägst Du den Link von Deinem Blogpost (nicht nur vom Blog), Deinen Namen und Deine Mailadresse (die bleibt unsichtbar) und ZACK - es RUMSt auch bei Dir!

Welcome at RUMS - all about the girls on Thursday
You may show everything you made BY yourself FOR yourself. No matter if you sew, embroider, knit, crotchet, tinker, weld or whatever handicraft you can imagine. You are allowed to advertise, to link any raffle, do a handstand, post a dancing video - the only rule is: by yourself for yourself.
Write a post about your stuff on Thursday and backlink to RUMS (real link, not just text). Without a backlink, you can't link here. You'll find the linking tool right below the pictures. Just enter your post's link (NOT just the blog adress, this won't work), your name and mail adress (won't be visible) and - hey, presto! There's RUMS for you!
  (Danke an Luci für die Übersetzung!! <3)


If you want to impress your guests, make some of these Brandy Snaps for them. They look so elegant and they are definitely not something you see on every dessert tray.

A hard candy shell filled with sweetened whipped I have your attention yet?  Pretty fool proof if you follow my extra tips below printed in RED, AND you can make them days in advance and fill them just before your guests arrive. 

Brandy Snaps are basically a crisp, sweet, lacy, candy shell that you can fill with sweetened whipped cream or your favorite mousse.

They look very hard to make, but it is an illusion; they are pretty easy if you pay attention to the tips below in RED.

2 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons white corn syrup
1/4 cup butter  (I used only 3 tablespoons)
2 teaspoons brandy (or) 1 teaspoon vanilla (I used rum extract)
1/4 cup all purpose flour

Since this whole process goes VERY fast, it is best to have everything ready before you start cooking the above ingredients.

Preheat your oven to 350° and line a cookie sheet with parchment paper (important). These candy shells REALLY spread as they cook, so only plan on making six of them on each cookie sheet.

Mix the sugar, corn syrup and butter in a small saucepan. STIR over medium heat until the mixture is good and bubbling, then remove from heat and stir in the flour and flavoring.

Drop one measuring teaspoon (per candy shell) of the cooked mixture onto the parchment paper. This will spread out into a circle about 4" in diameter as it bakes for about 6 to 7 minutes, but watch them very carefully after six minutes, as they can go from caramel colored to DARK very fast. It sounds tricky, but it isn't.

My candy circles were fairly pale in color until they hit the 6 minute mark in my electric oven, but they were a beautiful light caramel color at 6 1/2 minutes.

When they have turned a nice light caramel color, remove from the oven and let them sit on the cookie sheet for about 30 seconds. If they look a little oily, LIGHTLY dab them with a paper towel.

Use a pointed knife and lift the edge of the candy circle up a little so that you can grab it with your fingers (be careful, this is VERY  hot). One at a time, quickly roll the candy circle around the handle of a wooden spoon (they will cool almost immediately and hold their shape).

Once you form it around the spoon handle, it will instantly be cool enough to slide the candy tube off of the handle, and it's done!! 

If the other candies get too "hard" to roll, put them back in the oven for 30 seconds or so (but that shouldn't be a problem, as they stay fairly pliable as long as they are on the hot cookie sheet), they only become rigid once they cool off.


I didn't use a spoon handle, I used some metal cannoli tubes I have and they worked perfectly (no need to grease the spoon handle).

Keep the cooled candy tubes in an air tight container until you are ready to serve them. Fill them with sweetened whipped cream (the candy tubes can be filled up to about an hour before serving).

Don't be scared off by any of my "warnings' about this recipe, it may sound complicated, but it really is pretty easy and I hope you try it.

NOTE: I substituted rum extract for the vanilla, the candy tasted like butterscotch. I think ANY extract would work.

NOTE: You don't have to fill these with whipped cream. Almost any mousse like whipped filling would work wonderfully.

Resolution for fixed deposit Loan


Resolution in writing of the Members of the Car Insurance Management co. Ltd Condominium Plan No. XXX adopted by circulation on 30th October,  2013

                                                                          LKR 2,000,000.00
                                                                          Current Account No: 30XXXX22553XXX5

We the undersigned being the Council Members Of the council of Car Insurance Management co. Ltd, Condominium Plan No: XXXX (hereinafter referred as the ”Management Corporation”


That the Management Co. Ltd obtains an overdraft facility of Rupees Two Million (Rs. 2,000,000.00) only from Peoples bank, XXXX Plaza, against the following fixed deposit certificate for Rupees two Million two hundred and seventy one thousand five cents seventy eight ( Rs. 2,271,005/78 ) of Liberty Plaza.

Certificate No
Rs. Cts




That any Directors of the Company be and are hereby authorize to sign any document in connection with obtaining the above facility

NAMES OF THE COUNCIL MEMBERS                                    SIGNATURE

Mr. XXXX Jathilaka                                                     ……………………………..

Mr. D. Herath                                                              ……………………………..


This is a very EASY recipe because most of it can be made ahead of time.  It is a FUN breakfast to serve company or a bunch of rowdy teenagers or a breakfast buffet crowd because it can be finished off last minute!!

There are no real measurements for this recipe; just one circle of toast, a pinch of cheese, one egg and one slice of precooked bacon for each serving (use the regular thickness bacon  because thick bacon won't work for this recipe).

These little beauties are quite filling and two of them make a hearty breakfast.

The "do ahead part" is to spray the cupcake pan generously with vegetable spray, then put a "toast circle" (un-buttered) in the bottom of each cupcake well.

Next, pre-fry the bacon. I do mine in the oven (the day ahead) because it comes out perfectly flat and easy to work with.  Click HERE for my post on cooking bacon in the oven.

Bake the bacon at 375 (no need to preheat) for about 20 minutes, or if you are frying it, cook it about 2/3 done (you want it almost done, but still pliable).  Drain the bacon but don't let it cool down much (it tends to get stiff as it cools down). Quickly wrap each cupcake well, like this:

Add a healthy pinch of shredded cheddar ( I also like pepper jack cheese) on top of the toast, like this:

At this point, you can put them in the fridge and bring them out the next morning.

When it's time to eat, preheat your oven to 400 and carefully break an egg into each "nest"

Sprinkle with kosher salt and coarsely ground pepper. Put them into the oven for for 15-18 minutes or until the eggs are done to your liking. Let the finished eggs sit in the pan for a minute or two (don't worry, they stay very hot).

Scoop the baked egg cups out of the pan with a spoon (they come out easily). If you like your eggs done fairly well (like we do), you can pick these up and eat them out of hand, but if you like a soft set egg, you'll need a plate and fork.

I am definitely making these for Christmas morning,
along with fruit cups
and cinnamon rolls!!

RUMS #48

Es ist wieder RUMStaaaag!!!!!

Hinweis in eigener Sache:
Leider werden jede Woche wieder Sachen verlinkt, die offensichtlich KEIN RUMS sind, da sie fürs Kind, für die Freundin, den Shop oder sonstwen gefertigt sind. Da mir momentan die Zeit fehlt, das alles lieb zu kommentieren, lösche ich diese Links ohne weiteren Kommentar. Wenn ihr euch also in der Liste nicht wieder findet, dann lest noch mal den Text "In aller Kürze" unter dem Bild durch, dann wisst ihr, ob es vielleicht daran liegt, das ihr verschwunden seid. ;o)

Vielen Dank für Euer Verständnis - wer es nicht hat wird auch nicht bedauert. 
In aller Kürze:
Gezeigt werden darf alles, was DU für DICH SELBER genäht, gestickt, gestrickt, gehäkelt, gebastelt, geklöppelt oder sonstwie gehandarbeitet hast. 
Du darfst dabei Werbung machen, auf Verlosungen hinweisen, Handstand machen oder ein Tanzvideo einstellen - nur Du solltest etwas zeigen, was DU ganz persönlich FÜR DICH selbstgemacht hast.
Du schreibst für diese Sache am Donnerstag einen Post, in dem Du zu RUMS verlinkst - und das als LINK und nicht als Text! Nur mit einem Backlink funktioniert die Verlinkung hier unter dem Post.
Unter den Fotos findest Du das Verlinkungstool. Da trägst Du den Link von Deinem Blogpost (nicht nur vom Blog), Deinen Namen und Deine Mailadresse (die bleibt unsichtbar) und ZACK - es RUMSt auch bei Dir!

Welcome at RUMS - all about the girls on Thursday
You may show everything you made BY yourself FOR yourself. No matter if you sew, embroider, knit, crotchet, tinker, weld or whatever handicraft you can imagine. You are allowed to advertise, to link any raffle, do a handstand, post a dancing video - the only rule is: by yourself for yourself.
Write a post about your stuff on Thursday and backlink to RUMS (real link, not just text). Without a backlink, you can't link here. You'll find the linking tool right below the pictures. Just enter your post's link (NOT just the blog adress, this won't work), your name and mail adress (won't be visible) and - hey, presto! There's RUMS for you!
  (Danke an Luci für die Übersetzung!! <3)

RUMS #47

Es ist wieder RUMStaaaag!!!!!
In aller Kürze:
Gezeigt werden darf alles, was DU für DICH SELBER genäht, gestickt, gestrickt, gehäkelt, gebastelt, geklöppelt oder sonstwie gehandarbeitet hast. 
Du darfst dabei Werbung machen, auf Verlosungen hinweisen, Handstand machen oder ein Tanzvideo einstellen - nur Du solltest etwas zeigen, was DU ganz persönlich FÜR DICH selbstgemacht hast.
Du schreibst für diese Sache am Donnerstag einen Post, in dem Du zu RUMS verlinkst - und das als LINK und nicht als Text! Nur mit einem Backlink funktioniert die Verlinkung hier unter dem Post.
Unter den Fotos findest Du das Verlinkungstool. Da trägst Du den Link von Deinem Blogpost (nicht nur vom Blog), Deinen Namen und Deine Mailadresse (die bleibt unsichtbar) und ZACK - es RUMSt auch bei Dir!

Welcome at RUMS - all about the girls on Thursday
You may show everything you made BY yourself FOR yourself. No matter if you sew, embroider, knit, crotchet, tinker, weld or whatever handicraft you can imagine. You are allowed to advertise, to link any raffle, do a handstand, post a dancing video - the only rule is: by yourself for yourself.
Write a post about your stuff on Thursday and backlink to RUMS (real link, not just text). Without a backlink, you can't link here. You'll find the linking tool right below the pictures. Just enter your post's link (NOT just the blog adress, this won't work), your name and mail adress (won't be visible) and - hey, presto! There's RUMS for you!
  (Danke an Luci für die Übersetzung!! <3)

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